God Says Ted Cruz Is The Biggest Asshole In The Universe

Dash MacIntyre
4 min readApr 4, 2023
Credit: Gage Skidmore | | via Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

I haven’t checked in with God in a while, so I called Him up to ask a question about free will.

The following is our phone conversation, lightly edited for clarity:

DASH MACINTYRE: “Hey, God, just one question this time. Do we have freewill?”

GOD: “Well… ah screw it! Of course not! Do the math and logic, I know everything and control everything. Nothing happens that I don’t choose. You hairless monkeys are pitiful slaves to My atomic, chemical, and molecular machinations. I’m the only entity with free will! And let Me tell you, free will coupled with omnipotence is awesome! Yesterday I made Ted Cruz’s nose bleed for 45 minutes, and then let his finger slip on his phone so he accidentally “hearted” another porn video he was watching on Twitter. Even with omnipotence I can’t get enough of Ted Cruz humiliating himself.”

DM: “Is Ted Cruz the biggest asshole on planet Earth?”

GOD: “Yes. Also the entire universe. If I may brag for a moment, Ted Cruz is My favorite creation of all time. I love to watch Ted Cruz in action. I crammed that guy so full of arrogant ignorance that I have to personally intervene at all times to stop him from spontaneously combusting like an atom bomb. Wanna know a secret? The guy watches squirrel porn. Like incessantly. I’m omniscient so I know every time he goes to AcornHub and watches low quality videos of squirrels going at it. But he’s great entertainment. It’s like when you paint something you’re really proud of, and you can just stare at it and admire it for hours. Ted Cruz is a spectacular, magnificent douche. In a galaxy on the other side of the universe I made a whole planet of Ted Cruzes. I didn’t supply their world with any plants or animals so they have to fight and eat each other. I love watching Ted Cruzes strangle each other. It never gets old. It’s a majestic sight to see whole herds of feral Ted Cruzes gnawing on each other’s bones, and wearing each other’s faces as war masks, and sleeping in each other’s hollowed out bodies for warmth at night. What douches. I wish you could see it. Actually, you know what? You hate Ted Cruz so much I think you’ll really get a kick out of it, so I’ll show you!”

[At this point, God teleported me to the planet of Ted Cruzes, and I watched millions of them fighting free-for-all battles to the death. Ted Cruz body parts and brain matter were splattered everywhere, and rivers of Ted Cruz blood flowing for millennia had carved the geography of the planet into massive, red-stained canyon systems. Different subgroups of Ted Cruzes had evolved, with some Ted Cruzes being ferocious predators favoring the taste of fresh Ted Cruz flesh, while other meek Ted Cruzes, whose eyes had adapted to be on the sides of their head like prey to scan the horizon and flee at the first sign of danger, were merely scavengers picking at leftover Ted Cruz carcasses left behind by the more dominantly carnivorous Ted Cruzes. Another fascinating subgroup of Ted Cruzes filled the niche dung beetles fill here on Earth walking around rolling balls of Ted Cruz dung six feet in diameter taking bites out of them every few meters. Just like there are more species of beetle than any other animal on Earth, there are more species of the dung eating Ted Cruzes than any other type of Ted Cruz species. The most technologically advanced Ted Cruzes had entered the Bone Age, and had learned to make spear and knife weapons out of sharpened Ted Cruz ribs, femurs, tibias, and fibulas. Occasionally, a particularly clever Ted Cruz would craft a primitive trebuchet with bones and rope made of Ted Cruz tendons and ligaments, and collect decapitated Ted Cruz heads to launch at unsuspecting Ted Cruzes from quite a safe distance. The sublime douchery of it all brought a tear to my eye, and I thanked God for showing me the most majestic example of assholery in the entire universe.]

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Also check out my book “Satire In The Trump Years: The Best Of The Halfway Post,” available on Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

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Dash MacIntyre
Dash MacIntyre

Written by Dash MacIntyre

Comedian, political satirist, and poet. Created The Halfway Post. Check out my comedy book Satire In The Trump Years, and my poetry book Cabaret No Stare.

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