Trump Voters Just Aren’t Assimilating Into American Culture

Dash MacIntyre
4 min readNov 20, 2023
Credit: Anthony Crider via Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0

In what is increasingly becoming a problem for our national identity as American citizens, Donald Trump’s biggest MAGA fan voters are outright refusing to assimilate into America’s longstanding culture of tolerance, multiculturalism and diversity. Instead, they’re choosing to keep to their insularly extremist customs of ethno-nationalism, apocalyptic Evangelism, and desired monarchy.

So I went to a diner in St. Louis to see what average, “Real America” residents think about the MAGA movement’s radicalism.

“I try really hard not to use the words ‘these people,’ but I can’t help but notice that too many Trump supporters are not sharing our traditional American values,” explained Mark Trail, 56. “They yell at ethnic minorities in public, they protest Jews in the streets, their number of hate crimes are way on the rise, they’re always stockpiling guns and ammo to prepare for another potential civil war, and they just plain have hate in their hearts for America and the great variety of Americans who live here. These people just don’t want the same kinds of things that real Americans want. Oh, dear, I used that phrase again. But MAGA lovers are always promoting greater discrimination against women, religious exclusivity, and the unConstitutional, totalitarian tendencies of Donald Trump. I hate how it makes me sound like I…



Dash MacIntyre

Comedian, political satirist, and poet. Created The Halfway Post. Check out my comedy book Satire In The Trump Years, and my poetry book Cabaret No Stare.