The Internet’s 25 Dumbest Personal Essays

Dash MacIntyre
3 min readJun 21, 2023
Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash
  • Why I’m A Straight, White, Conservative Male, But Pretend To Be A Gay, Black, Liberal, Trans Woman On Twitter To Criticize Gays, Blacks, Liberals And Trans People
  • White People Said We Were Sorry. Why It’s Exhausting That That’s Not Enough.
  • What I Learned About Ageism As An 87-Year-Old Spinster Who Tells People On Dating Apps I’m 22 And “DTF”
  • Why I Love Snooping In Everybody’s Things, And Shouldn’t Be Expected To Change
  • Why I’ve Learned To Appreciate, Honor, And Even Love Belgians, And Now I Only Hate The Dutch
  • What I Learned About Big Pharma By Taking Garbage Bags Out Of Public Trash Cans, Cutting Holes In The Bottom Corner, And Drinking The Mystery Liquids That Come Out
  • I Lived A Charmed Life. Then My Husband Said I Couldn’t Adopt A 16th Cat
  • The 5 Valuable Life Lessons I’m Sharing With The World By Once A Week Finding A Stranger’s House On Google Maps To Mail A Box Full Of Live Spiders
  • How Eating Fried Green Tomatoes At A BBQ Restaurant Made Me Realize I Don’t Actually Care Much For Fried Green Tomatoes
  • How My Sex Work Roleplaying As Gollum From The Lord Of The Rings For Lonely Millionaires Gave Me The…



Dash MacIntyre

Comedian, political satirist, and poet. Created The Halfway Post. Check out my comedy book Satire In The Trump Years, and my poetry book Cabaret No Stare.