Spinoffs Considered For Characters From TV’s “The Office”

Stories of your favorite characters from The Office continuing before and after the TV show’s timeline.

Dash MacIntyre


Photo (cropped) by Pablo Varela on Unsplash

Dwight, Drug Lord

Dwight and Mose turn their beet farm into a marijuana farm, which starts a turf war with the local Scranton Amish weed cartel. Dwight’s ragtag team of misfit friends, including Rolf, Trevor and his sensei Ira, form a cartel of their own called “The Beet Boys,” and they gradually divide and conquer the fertile farm country of north-eastern Pennsylvania through a combination of Dwight volunteering again as a deputy’s sheriff to obstruct justice and bribe Scranton PD officers to look the other way, Rolf’s acts of anarchist terrorism, and Trevor clumsily kneecapping potential snitches. Meanwhile, Angela’s ex-husband, disgraced former State Senator Robert Lipton, vows he’ll stop at nothing to bring down Dwight’s growing drug empire. When some police officers on Dwight’s payroll refuse to act on Lipton’s incriminating evidence against Rolf, he takes it upon himself to protect Scranton from the Beat Boys vigilante-style, and starts sneakily sabotaging their marijuana fields and distribution supply chains. Convinced Lipton’s actions might be the infamous Rübegänger, a beet monster of Medieval German folklore, expressing its fury at Dwight for…



Dash MacIntyre

Comedian, political satirist, and poet. Created The Halfway Post. Check out my comedy book Satire In The Trump Years, and my poetry book Cabaret No Stare.