Inescapably, Inevitably Growing Old

Nine poems about aging and finding your life has gone by faster than you were anticipating.

Dash MacIntyre


Photo by Kyle Wagner via Unsplash CC BY-SA 2.0

Play It Again, Tony

the eighty year old dj plays the same two songs over and over

one side playing then the other

then forgetting

did he change the first already?

he couldn’t remember.


he would have changed it.

yes probably.

and he plays it again.

Soiled And Sour

I like biographical documentaries

cause even the greatest of men the most famous and iconic

get old and their bodies break down

and they get grumpy and generationally conservative

and they have to pee too much and it starts to hurt

and they lose their wit and charm and mental faculties

or turn wholly deranged and no matter what die

so maybe the occasional cigar is worth

whatever its future deficit rings up on the annuity register



Dash MacIntyre

Comedian, political satirist, and poet. Created The Halfway Post. Check out my comedy book Satire In The Trump Years, and my poetry book Cabaret No Stare.